• October 10, 2023

Introducing “The Story Board”: Trippant’s New Podcast Series on Sports, Storytelling, and More.

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Trippant is proud to present its latest venture into the world of digital content: “The Story Board.” This original podcast series brings listeners face-to-face with some of the most influential storytellers from the realms of sports, entertainment, and experience. From the confines of boardrooms to the dynamic front lines of industry events, “The Story Board” promises an engaging deep dive into the stories that shape our world.

In the inaugural series, the focus sharpens on the intricate relationship between sports and storytelling. With the media environment evolving rapidly, how are narratives in sports being crafted, adapted, and consumed? “The Story Board” aims to explore this by engaging with a diverse range of creators and professionals who are at the helm of this change.

Eoin Connolly, Trippant’s head of content and storytelling, leads the conversations, drawing insights from a variety of experts. From journalists and authors to filmmakers and campaigners, each episode promises a fresh perspective on the ever-evolving world of storytelling.

The podcast kicks off with an exclusive conversation with Richard Ayers, founder of “Rematch – The Sporting Time Machine.” This innovative platform transforms iconic sporting moments into immersive theatrical experiences. In the first episode, Ayers delves into the making of their recent show, “Rematch: Rumble in the Jungle.” This theatrical rendition pays tribute to the legendary 1974 boxing match between George Foreman and Muhammad Ali in Zaire. Ayers not only discusses the creation process but also sheds light on the inception of the “Rematch” concept. The discussion provides a unique look into how sports, when intertwined with stories from the past, can generate both commercial and cultural impacts.

“The Story Board” is now available for streaming on all major podcast platforms. New episodes drop weekly, offering listeners a regular dose of compelling content. To tune in, visit here. If the series resonates with you, kindly rate, review, share, and most importantly, subscribe to ensure you never miss an episode.

Trippant champions people and storytelling to grow businesses across sport, entertainment, and experience. If you want to see what we can do for you, head to our website. 

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