There are moments when the future suddenly feels a lot closer than it used to.
After fear, then denial, and acceptance, I think I’m at my 4th stage of coming to terms with AI’s existence; love? Though, it’s not without a measured approach. .
Whilst it’s really is going to change how we communicate, what’s key for me comes back to some of the fundamentals of communication: building trust, connecting to people, and telling great stories.
Like Trippant PR Agency comes in the role, helping brands find clarity and connect authentically in an evolving digital landscape.
Adapting to the Changing Landscape
That dawning reality has been central to our outlook at Trippant over the past 18 months, through a period where we’ve rebranded and retooled to offer truly valuable communications services to the sport, entertainment, and experience industries.
All of this has led to an important realisation: the better AI gets at producing content, the more content is going to exist. Some of it will be great; a lot will be derivative, insubstantial, or disposable. And there is already a lot of content out there – great torrents unleashed in the hope that social media algorithms carry it where it needs to go.
In that context, quality counts. So does your intent. Amid all the noise, it has never been more important to understand the message you are trying to get across, who you are trying to reach, and why.
People, Networks, and Fandom
A lot of communications and PR strategy comes down to a few simple questions. What are you trying to say? When and where will you say it? And who is going to say it for you?
Communication is about discipline. In 21st-century media – particularly in the age of AI-generated content – you can insert yourself into more or less any conversation. But that hardly means you should. Doing so, in fact, puts you on a very short path to irrelevance.
And communication is also about authenticity. The right spokesperson is not just compelling, carrying a message with clarity and conviction – they also get that the person receiving that message is on the more important side of the conversation.
Whatever means you use to piece it together, having a meaningful picture of your target audience remains vital. So does properly defining your role in their world.
In other words, a B2B service provider must be able to explain how their product will address pain points that limit the horizons of prospective clients. Anyone representing a sports team – whether from the boardroom or the dressing room – needs to recognise the values and the history they are protecting, not to mention the impact their actions and performance can have.
The Value of Human Connection
Meanwhile, you cannot underestimate the value of human connection. From TikTok to Taylor Swift, we are all gravitating towards people and personalities in a crowded media ecosystem. Honest, open discussions about challenges and motivations can bring others onto the same wavelength.
The Storytelling Baseline
Stories are fundamental to how we understand each other. They generate empathy, organise information, and access mental patterns that aid memory and trigger emotional responses. And they predate most media technologies by thousands of years.
As Donald Miller writes in Building a Story Brand: “Story formulas reveal a well-worn path in the human brain and if we want to stay in business, we need to follow that path.”
Every successful organisation tells good stories: about what they do, about why they do it, and about what they can do for you. Most of them really nail two stories in particular: one about themselves, and one about their customers, audiences, or supporters.
The story of a company or a club is about motivation and values. The story of their customer or fan is about solving problems and enriching lives. Taken together, these form a superb basis for all other communication and creative expression.
Moments That Matter
In the sports industry, we’re lucky enough to deal in moments that matter to people – the experiences that become part of millions of personal stories.
That is an extraordinary and powerful thing, whatever technology has in store.